
The Vow Pt. 5 – Facing Our Flaws

The closer we draw to the monster I must face, the higher and faster my fears and insecurities rise. It’s crippling me, and unfortunately for Luke, that means I’m going to be running from my problems today. I’ve also been acting incredibly irresponsibly. The events have turned out to be both sad and obnoxious for Luke, who kind of looks up to me now, but it’s all got a cartoonish feel to it as well.

Avoiding problems means drowning myself in wine coolers while chilling outside in the sunshine with a spliff. It also means surrendering to the guilt I feel whenever I feel I’m not being productive, so I have a notebook and a pen next to me so I can jot down notes that will push this story forward.

Luke is confused, but there is one bright spot: he finally gets to see Naya. Not quite in the way that he expected, but still a touching reunion nonetheless.

Oh, and Carlo shows up! Dope. He’s my favorite, but don’t tell Luke.


Poor Luke.

He’s trying so hard to be patient with me while I try to push this story forward, but my cartoonish antics are starting to work his nerves. Our story has not progressed and my actions – especially when I’m teamed up with my favorite smoker Carlo – are pushing Luke into a bit of a tailspin.

But there’s hope. He actually gets to see -and speak – to Naya for the first time in ages!

Almost makes it worth putting up with an obnoxiously drunk and high little creator.


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The Story

Shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots, shots... EVERYBODY!

Luke and the little creator are still on their journey, but the latter wants (needs?) a little vacation. A few drinks while trying to write our way out of this forest can't hurt, right?

The Location

A strange forest cloaked with black tar-like regrets and blanketed with the shadows of guilt.

The environment starts to shift and a portal appears that allows Luke to see into the Plains of Serenity... the wondrous place where all of her creations live.

The Heroes

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